How do I cancel my subscription?Updated 9 months ago
If you feel like you Squawk Box subscription is not fulfilling your bird's every desire, please reach out to us! The customer service team will work with you take make sure you and your feathered friend are happy.
Instead of cancelling you can also
If you would still like to deactivate your subscription, you can do so from your customer portal.
Note: deactivating your subscription from the customer portal will stop your subscription from auto renewing after the duration of your plan. You will still receive the boxes you paid for when you signed up.
Follow the following steps to deactivate your subscription:
1. Log into your Squawk Box account
2. Click on the "Manage Subscriptions" button
3. Find the subscription that you would like to cancel "Manage Subscription"
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Deactivate Subscription"