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How do I redeem rewards points?Updated a month ago

How Do I Redeem Rewards Points?

Earning and redeeming Squawk Bucks (our rewards points) is easy! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you. First open our rewards portal on the bottom left of the website:

Ways to Earn Squawk Bucks

You can earn Squawk Bucks in several ways! Check out the Rewards Portal to see all the ways you can earn points and start saving on your subscription.

How to Redeem Squawk Bucks

Follow these simple steps to redeem your Squawk Bucks for rewards:

  1. Visit the Rewards Portal:

    • Log in and click on “Ways to Redeem” to view your reward options.
  2. Choose Your Reward:

    • Select your desired reward (e.g., $5 off a new subscription or renewal).
    • A coupon code will be generated for you.

Applying Your Coupon Code:

For a New Subscription:

  • Enter the coupon code at checkout when purchasing your new subscription.

For an Existing Subscription Renewal:

  1. Go to the Customer Portal.
  2. Click “Manage Subscription” on the subscription you want to discount.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Apply Discount.”
  4. Enter your rewards coupon code in the sidebar and click “Add Discount.”

Your discount will now be applied to your next renewal! 🎉

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